
January 16, 2012

Mutter Mushroom

Prep Time: 20 minutes

1) 1 small red onion, finely diced
2) 1 small Roma tomato, finely diced
3) 1-2 tsp minced garlic
4) 1 cup fresh frozen peas
5) 6-8 medium button mushrooms, halved or quartered
6) 1 tsp cumin seeds
7) 1 tsp coriander powder
8) 1 tsp garam masala
9) salt and pepper to taste

Peas & 'Shrooms!
Line a skillet with an eighth of a cup of water. On medium heat, add onions. Cook down water and as onions begin to caramelize, add spices and mix in well. As the aromas are released, add tomatoes, mix well and add another eighth of a cup of water. Cook for a few minutes and then mix in peas and mushrooms. Cover and simmer for 5-7 minutes adding more water as needed. The final dish should be very moist, but not runny.

Serve with whole wheat bread or over brown rice.

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