
January 22, 2012

Roasted Acorn Squash

So here's new Vegetable #2 for New Year Resolution #2 (to try as many previously untasted items from the produce section). Acorn Squash! Yes, I've never tasted one before.

I'm from India :) !! It's not an excuse ... I really don't think these exist back home, and if they do, Mom sure wasn't chomping at the bit to cook 'em for us.  I found a recipe at (Roasted and Glazed Acorn Squash) and adapted it to a vegan version and our tastes. I'm planning on trying it for dinner tonight and will post pictures after its done!

Prep Time: 30 min, or so.

1) 1 Acorn Squash (should be hard to touch, skin free of blemishes)
2) 2 tbsp "Earth Balance" buttery spread or butter.
3) 2-3 tbsp maple syrup
4) 1 tsp sea salt
5) 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
6) 1 tsp ground cumin
7) 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

Preheat oven to 400F. Cut the squash into 2 halves (vertically), scoop out the seeds and then cut it lengthwise into 6-8 wedges. Place wedges skin side down on an oven safe baking dish. To prevent the squash from sticking to the bottom, either grease the bottom with cooking spray, or line it with parchment paper. Melt butter in a microwave, mix in maple syrup and mix in cumin and cayenne pepper. Brush this mix onto the squash. Sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Roast in the oven for about 20 min, tossing once in between. Check with a

Um Um Good!
Post-Prep Comments: Here's a picture of how yummy the squash looked after it was done. It was delicious!! I didn't think the butter added anything to the dish overall, so I've removed it from the recipe. I liked the flavor and texture a lot which was more like a sweet potato than a squash. I will try using less maple syrup the next time I make it too and will probably play with the spices too.

Nik's Reaction: NONE!  He refused to even look at it ...!! :)

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