
March 31, 2012

Kaali Gobi (Purple Cauliflower) Subzi

Growing up we ate cauliflower (Phool Gobi) in a lot of different ways. In Gobi Pulao (vegetable pilaf), in Gobi Parathas (stuffed flatbreads), in Gobi Pakoras (Batter fried veggies) and in Gobi ki Subzi (curried veggies). In India, there is only one variety of cauliflower available, the white one. In the US though, I've seen purple, yellow and green varieties as well and had been wanting to try these for some time. Today, I tried making the purple kind which in India would be referred to as "Kaali Gobi".

Prep Time: 20-25 minutes

  1. 1 head of Purple cauliflower
  2. 1/2 -3/4 cup frozen green peas
  3. 1 small piece of fresh ginger, sliced thinly
  4. 1/2 cup Vegetable broth
  5. 2-3 tsp Cumin seeds
  6. 2-3 tsp Coriander seed powder
  7. 1 tsp Turmeric
  8. Salt & Pepper to taste

Line a skillet with a thin later of Vegetable broth. Add ginger and spices and bring to a boil. Once the ginger and spices release their aroma, add the cauliflower and mix well. Add peas, and then dust with salt. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook covered for 10-12 minutes until done, mixing every few minutes to prevent the veggies from burning and add vegetable broth, as needed during this time to keep the bottom of the skillet moist. Once done, make sure there is no broth left in the skillet (cook on a high for a minute of two if there is any left to evaporate it!). Serve granished with cracked black pepper, along with warm Naan, or Roti. 

Kaali Gobi ki Subzi with Tikoni Roti
Close-up of cooked Purple Cauliflower!
My Assessment: I'd read earlier today that purple cauliflower tastes slightly sweeter and more nuttier than its white cousin and I couldn't tell the difference. The dish itself turned out great. Would I try this variety again, most definitely!! It was great!! 

For dessert today we each had a wonderful mix of fresh crunchy watermelon and blackberries!! Yumm!! 

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