
July 1, 2012

Indian Hummus

I recently saw a clip from HLN TV where Julienna Hever demonstrated an Indian Hummus Dip. I thought that was a cool idea and finally decided to make it today. It turned out great!! The recipe is freely available on the internet, so I've posted it here. The credit of course, goes to Julieanna.

Indian Hummus
Prep Time: 10 min

  1. 1 can of Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas), drained & Rinsed
  2. Juice of 1 lemon (~3-4 tbsps)
  3. 2 tbsp Tahini (Sesame butter), drain the oil on top.
  4. 1 tbsp Maple syrup
  5. 1/2 tsp Turmeric
  6. 1 tsp Curry Powder (or Garam Masala)
  7. 1 clove of Garlic (1 tsp minced)
  8. Sea Salt and Pepper, to taste
  9. 1/2 cup Water
  10. 1 cup Raisins (optional)

Mix everything together and blend until smooth. Julieanna's original recipe called for 1 cup raisins to be mixed in the hummus after it was smooth. I didn't use any today. Also, I used Penzey's Sweet Curry powder since I have a small jar at home, but once that runs out, I'll be using Garam Masala to replace it. I had it tonight with some sliced cucumbers and will be enjoying the rest of it through the week with a bunch of other stuff. Love the fact that its homemade and hasn't been sitting on the refrigerated shelf @ Kroger's!! :)

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