
August 20, 2012

Red Potatoes in HH Brown Gravy

Sounds sinfully good, doesn't it?? Before going all plant-based in my food choices, I always preferred brown gravy to white gravy. I ate brown gravy on mashed potatoes, on steak, on turkey ... always brown gravy. Needless to say I was skeptical about trying out a 'plant-strong' version of it. But The Happy Herbivore has not disappointed me too many times with any of her recipes, so I tried the HH Brown Gravy yesterday. The only modification I made was that I added a 6 sliced brown mushrooms to the pan as the gravy was simmering, before I added the corn starch. Yesterday, I ate is simply as a topping on a mashed potato (heavenly!). So today I decided to use it in a different way .. 

Red Potatoes in HH Brown Gravy
Prep Time: 15 min

  1. 4 Red potatoes, diced into bite-sized chunks
  2. 1 cup HH Brown Gravy, with Mushrooms
  3. Pepper, to taste

In a large skillet, on medium heat, add potatoes and top with the gravy. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender. Toss well, Season with black pepper and enjoy!!

Nik's & Alex's Reaction: A hit!!! Both of them enjoyed the potatoes more than anything else on their plate tonight!! :)

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