
December 2, 2012

Spicy-Candied Carrots

Candied vegetables are a great addition to a Thanksgiving dinner table. Orange vegetables, such as carrots and yams lend themselves really well to candying and are often also served at Traditional thanksgiving dinners. This recipe, Teekhee-Meethee Gajar, is so simple and so delicious, that I know I will always have it on my table.

Teekhee-Meethee Gajar
  1. 3 packs of frozen, crinkle cut, carrots. 
  2. 1/2 cup coconut milk 
  3. 1-2 tsp Cayenne pepper, and more, to taste 
  4. 4 tbsp Brown Sugar
  5. Salt, to taste 
  6. 2-4 tbsp Raisins (optional)
  7. Freshly chopped cilantro leaves, for garnish. 
Stove Top Directions (60 min before Dinner):
Line a pan with coconut milk, and add cayenne pepper and salt. Once the cayenne releases its aroma, add coconut milk and raisins and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer. Add carrots, toss well, and cook for a few minutes (just enough to thaw the carrots, but do not wait for the carrots to become fork-tender, as they will become mushy in the oven). Transfer to a casserole dish, with just a little bit of the coconut milk (save the rest for later). Sprinkle brown sugar on top. Cover and set in oven at 250 F until ready to serve. Check periodically to make sure they don't dry out. If needed, add more of the saved coconut milk mixture. Garnish with cilantro leaves just before serving.

Crock-Pot (Slow-Cooker) Directions (60-90 min before Dinner):
Line a pan with coconut milk, and add cayenne pepper and salt. Once the cayenne releases its aroma, add coconut milk and raisins and bring to a boil. Transfer the mixture to a measuring cup. Add thawed carrots to the crock and pour about half of the coconut milk mixture on top, and cover. Cook on low for about 45 min. Check periodically to make sure they don't dry out. If needed,  add more of the saved coconut milk mixture  Once the carrots become fork-tender, turn down heat to keep warm and be careful not to disturb them too much or they will become mushy. Sprinkle liberally with brown sugar and leave on warm until ready to serve. Garnish with more brown sugar and cilantro leaves just before serving.

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