
December 29, 2013

Pomegranate & Chocolate Chip Oatmeal

During one of many trips to India, before my dad passed on, he introduced Tony to Pomegranates. It was love at first bite for him. Ever since then, every time he sees it at the store, and he has some spare cash, he picks one up. They're expensive here in the US and I always thought they're more work than they're worth ;) but Tony is willing to do the work to get all the seeds out, so I'm willing to eat them!! Fun fact: did you know that pomegranate seeds are called 'arils'? 

Prep Time: <5 min 

Ingredients: See recipe link above. 

In a microwave-safe bowl, mix oats, chia seeds, almond milk and salt together and cook on high for 3-4 minutes. Remove the bowl once in the middle of this time to mix well. Once oats are done, remove carefully from microwave, mix vanilla extract, pomegranate arils and chocolate chips and transfer to a serving dish. Enjoy!! 

My Assessment: I really really liked this recipe by The Oatmeal Artist. In fact, I don't think I've tried a single one of her recipes and not loved it. She's got a knack for oatmeal :) !!! The combination of pomegranate and chocolate was like eating cherries with chocolate, but the crunchiness of the arils made it similar to eating a nutty chocolate bar!! Loved it!! 

Nutrition Facts (Per Serving): Calories 331 (Fat Calories 95)
Total Fat 10.6 g; Carbohydrates 54.9 g; Fiber 8.8 g; Sugars 20.7 g; Protein 8.3 g

If you liked this recipe, be sure to check out my Recipe Index for more Whole-Food, Plant-Based, No-Added-Oil recipes. You can also like Rugrat Chow! on Facebook. Thanks!

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