
July 8, 2011

Cheese Quesadilla with Steamed Buttered Broccoli

Nik was a grouch on the drive home! Super tired according to G'ma Jeanne. Then, when we got home - he wanted to put on his "awwter pants" (aka swimmers) and get in the wading pool. So we had fun in the yard for a good 45 minutes. He was starving by the time we came back in - so dinner had to be made super QUICK!! Even before i had the ingredients out, he was in his chair, all buckled up - ready to EAT!! This one is super easy and super quick.

Total Prep Time: < 5 min.


1) 1 flour/corn tortilla
2) 2 tbsp mexican cheese mix - shredded
3) a dab of butter
4) 1 bag of Birds Eye Steamables Broccoli
5) salt and pepper


Roll the cheese into the tortilla, and put in a buttered pan at medium heat. I used a mini-George Foreman electric grill. Meanwhile prepare the broccoli. Once the quesadilla was done, I cut it into strips with a pizza slicer ... and Niki was eating within 5 min. A hit again!!


  1. I never thought of using a George Forman grill for this. What a great idea!

  2. Oh this is awesome Toddler mamaa!! I think you should rename this recipe BBC :-))

