
March 4, 2012

Breakfast Blueberry Crisp

Breakfast is the meal that I have trouble with when it comes to processed foods ... I eat a lot of Kashi bars when I'm on the run during the week. It's hard to grab breakfast when you're trying to get a diaper bag, a lovey blankie, a milk cup, 2 Thomas the train engines, a hand bag, a 2-year and yourself loaded up in the car .. all before daybreak!! 

Since moving to a plant-based lifestyle ~2 months ago (.. my 3rd, and so far, the longest, stint in 5 years), I've been inspired a lot by Lindsay Nixon (Happy Herbivore) and today's breakfast was one of her creations. The recipe is available on her website. 

My Assessment: I really liked it. My only modification was that I used Dark Amber Maple syrup instead of Agave nectar. Also, I think I'm slightly allergic to cinnamon, it's not bad or else I'd not be sitting her typing ;) but enough to make my tongue feel scratchy. I'm thinking I'll use some vanilla extract instead!

1 comment:

  1. Yum!!! A crisp I can eat for brekkie? Yes please - looks delish :D

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