
March 5, 2012

Vegetarian Taco Salad

After home-cooked Indian food, I can say quite confidently that Mexican cuisine is probably my most favorite. And taco salad, or the american version of it, probably ranks super high on the list. Ever since I made TVP Tacos a few weeks ago, I've been wanting to try TVP on salad. For those of you who're unaware of the acronym, TVP stands of Texturized Vegetable Protein, or Soy protein. It is found either granulated, or in large chunks. Bob's Red Mill is probably the most commonly found brand of TVP in American grocery stores. 

Vegetarian Taco Salad
Prep Time: 15 min.

Directions: I prepared the Taco Meat exactly as described (Happy Herbivore) with the only modification being that I like to dry the TVP as much as possible, without burning it. I think that gives it a more "beefy" taste and texture.  Lindsay's combination of soy sauce and steak sauce gives TVP a very authentic look and taste as well. 

For the salad itself, I used an organic spring green mix, added diced tomatoes, steamed corn and canned (rinsed) red kidney beans.  I didn't use an cheese (not even vegan cheese) and topped my salad off with some fresh mild salsa. I would have liked to add some crushed taco chips (but forgot!! ha ha!) ... I guess the  salad looked so delish even without it that I couldn't hold off ant longer. Overall an awesome dinner!!


  1. looks great. i love the idea of using kidney beanns. this looks low calorie :-)
    how do you put the copyright on your photos? do you use a special program.

  2. Thanks! The recipe has no added fat at all. For adding copyright I use Picasa - it's free from google - and super easy to use! Enjoy!!
