
April 23, 2012

Couscous & Veggies

Tonight's dinner was of the super-quick variety. Ready and on the table in 15 minutes. I used frozen veggies and a pack of instant couscous. 

Prep Time: 15 min

  1. 1 Pk. Near East Couscous
  2. 1 cup Vegetable broth
  3. 1/2 cup frozen peas
  4. 1/2 cup frozen green beans
  5. 2-3 tbsp Tomato paste, canned
  6. 1 tsp minced garlic
  7. Salt, and freshly cracked pepper, to taste 

Directions: Line a skillet with 1/4 cup vegetable broth and add frozen veggies, once the broth begins to boil, season with garlic and salt and cook until tender and the liquid is all but evaporated. Meanwhile, measure the remaining Vegetable broth and add water, as needed according to the package instructions. Mix tomato paste in this liquid and bring to a boil. Add couscous, mix and remove from heat. Cover, and let stand for a few minutes (I followed package instructions with the exception of adding tomato paste and withholding olive oil). Once the veggies are done, transfer everything to one pan and mix well. Cover and let sit for another few minutes. Season with freshly cracked black pepper.

My Assessment: Super quick, easy meal. Load up on whatever veggies you like. It makes for 2 filling meals. Yay for leftovers for lunch! 

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