
December 2, 2012

Herb Roasted Red Potatoes

I don't think I've ever met a potato I didn't like. For most people, mashed potatoes are a staple. Personally, I much prefer a baked potato with some of my favorite toppings and have often been known to nuke one for dinner. This dish, Masala Aloo, was a serendipitous addition to my Thanksgiving table. A few weeks before my first Indian Style Thanksgiving dinner, I had a sack of Red potatoes sitting in the pantry and I made them one evening as a side. All the boys absolutely LOVED this version of potatoes and when asked if I should include this dish for Thanksgiving, I got a very promising "YES" from each one of them.  

Masala Aloo
  1. 2-3 lbs Russet Red potatoes 
  2. 2 tsp ginger/garlic paste 
  3. 1 tbsp whole mustard seeds 
  4. 1 tbsp McCormick's Steak Seasoning 
  5. 1 tbsp Garam Masala (optional)
  6. 1-2 tbsp Olive Oil
  7. Salt and Pepper, to taste 
Directions (30 min before Dinner):
Rinse potatoes in water, and scrub with a vegetable brush to remove all dirt. Cut potatoes into halves, or quarters, depending upon the size (with skin on). In a sauteing pan, heat olive oil and add mustard seeds (warning: mustard seeds can pop when added to hot oil, so be careful). As the aroma is released from the mustard seeds (5-15 seconds in hot oil), add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Add potatoes and toss well. Transfer to a baking sheet. Cover with aluminum foil and set aside. About 30 minutes before dinner, roast uncovered at 375 F until done. Takes about 15 min. 

Quick Tip: If potatoes are beginning to brown on the outside, but still aren't 100% fork tender, transfer to a microwave safe dish and nuke on high for 3-5 minutes.

Quick Tip 2: Try par-boiling the potatoes in advance to quicken the roasting time. (Thanks Jeanne Wolf, for that tip!). 

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