
July 7, 2011

Easy-Peasy-Cheesy Rolls

Total Prep Time: 20 min max.


1) 1/3 cup thawed frozen peas
2) 2 tbsp shredded cheddar cheese
3) 4 oz pack of Pillsbury crescent rolls
4) seasonings (to taste)


Warm the thawed peas in a microwave for 30 seconds; mix shredded cheese and seasoning together. I used McCormick's steak seasoning and it tasted pretty good with the peas and cheese. Mix up the veggies so that the peas are slightly mashed up and the cheese is melted slightly. Make small dollops of the mix and place in the middle of each crescent roll; and wrap the dough around the veggies. Bake as directed on the pack (375F for 10 min). Makes 4 rolls;

I served these with ketchup and a side of sliced bananas. Nik LOVED his dinner last night!


  1. These are tooo yummy!!! I feel like eating them right away!!

  2. Now I know why little Nick looks like a total Punju :)
