
July 7, 2011

Mummy's Peas Pulao

** Update: May 05, 2013: Skip the Oil and switch with vegetable broth or oil and we just enjoy this with hot sauce or plain. No Oil, No Dairy necessary!! ** 

So on my way home from work today I was thinking about what to make for Nik's dinner today. Tony and both the older boys were at Alex's baseball game. So it was going to be just Nik and I for dinner. I had the most of the bag of peas left over from last night's rolls. Nikhil loves rice in any form. I always have a sack of basmati rice from the Indian store so this was an easy decision - the old favorite - mummy's peas pulao.

Total Prep Time: 20 min (wo onion); 30 min max. (w onion).


1) 1/2 cup basmati rice (washed well and soaked for 5-10 min while the rest of the ingredients are cooking)
2) 1/2 cup frozen peas
3) 1/2 cup coarsely diced red onion (optional)
4) 1-2 tbsp canola oil
5) 1 tsp cumin seeds
6) 1 tsp garam masala (brown curry mix)
7) 1 cup water (to cook the rice in). Usually basmati rice needs a 1:2 ratio of water to cook in. You may need to check the directions on the bag, or use the age-old trial and error method ;)


Use a pan with a fitted lid; Heat oil (medium) and add cumin seads and garam masala. Let the spices fry for a few seconds and then squelch the heat by adding the diced onion (this prevents the cumin from burning and tasting bitter). If you're not using onion, use the peas for the same purpose; Allow the onion to cook for a few minutes until it just begins to caramelize; add peas and mix well; cook peas for a minute and then add the soaked rice and water. Allow the water to come to a full boil. Once the water is simmering well, cover the pan with the lid and cook on medium-low heat for 10 min (untl rice appears fluffy and well cooked). I usually pick a grain or two and test it. Turn the stove off and let the rice sit for a few minutes with the lid on (this allows it to absorb any extra water and become fluffier!).

Nik and I ate our peas pulao with blueberry yogurt. It was a hit!!

It also tastes great with plain or salted yogurt, sour cream or cucumber raita (will post recipe soon).


  1. This is a great idea for a blog. Kind of like Julie and Julia. And the Peas Palao sounds yum!

  2. This is amazingly awesome :-) what a cool idea for a blog. you are too cute Nik's mommy.

    I never knew Peas pulao was so damn easy to cook!! Im going to try it too. waiting for the cucumber raita recipe,,,Yummmmmy
