
April 7, 2012

Rajma Chawal (Red Beans & Rice)

Last night was all about home cooked comfort foods and simple desserts. We had an old favorite in the Coder household ... Red Beans & Rice (राजमा चावल) and Honeydew melon for dessert. I've posted the recipe before, so here's the link

Rajma Chawal
Since, T likes some meat with his meals, I sautéed some sliced smoked sausage separately and when both sausage and the rajma were done, I poured a couple of ladle-fulls of rajma on top of the sausage and let it simmer for just a couple of minutes. 

.. now which piece should I eat!!
Nik's Reaction: As usual, he's a big fan of rice. He ate almost all his entire serving of rice and beans and then ate his full of honeydew ... !! Overall, a dinner that was a hit with Daddy, and Mommy & Nik too!! 

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