
April 6, 2012

Breakfast Tacos

Last week I tried the Breakfast Tofu Scramble from the Everyday Happy Herbivore cookbook and absolutely fell in love with it. Eggs and toast on a weekend morning are an age-old tradition and it was one of the few non-plant-based meals that I really missed. This Tofu scramble is a great substitute for scrambled eggs. Over the years, living in Ohio, one other weekend tradition I've missed is Breakfast Tacos. I lived in  Austin TX for 6 years before moving to Ohio, and enjoyed Breakfast Tacos from various restaurants and shacks around the city. This seems to be entirely an "Austin tradition" that's even missing from other Texas cities and other states along the Mexican-American border. Breakfast burritos are found all over the place ... but small soft tacos ... sadly, the answer is always - Nopes!!

Texas Breakfast Tacos
Prep Time: 10 min. or less

Ingredients & Directions: I followed the HH Tofu Scramble recipe to a tee, with the exception that I didn't use any dijon mustard (didn't have any!), and I mixed in about 2-3 tbsp of Salsa while the scramble was still in the skillet itself (to warm it up) and I added some freshly super-finely diced Cilantro leaves as well. Garnish with pepper and  Voila!!! Yum!! 

Used my cast-iron skillet today :)

Breakfast Tacos taste best with flour tortillas. You can substitute with corn tortillas if you prefer those. I had it just as is, with no toppings, with warmed flour tortillas. Some people like to drizzle Salsa and other toppings. Here are a few other suggestions .... 

  1. Ham
  2. Bacon
  3. Cheese
  4. Black Beans 
  5. Refried Beans
  6. Spanish Rice 
  7. Pico de Gallo
  8. Fresh Cilantro
  9. Salsa Ranchera
  10. Fresh Tomatoes
  11. Sautéed Mushrooms
  12. Hash Brown Potatoes
  13. Sautéed or fresh sliced Onions
  14. Crumbled Sausage or Chorizo
  15. Fresh or Pickled   Jalapeños
  16. Fresh Avocado or Guacamole
Of course, for those of you who still prefer eggs ;) feel free to substitute the Tofu Scramble with scrambled eggs! But try this Tofu scramble and I can guarantee that you will stick to this version instead of eggs. 

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