
August 8, 2012

Gimme More ... Sautéed Mushrooms

I never met a mushroom I didn't love. I often sautéed mushrooms as a topping for my mashed potato, baked potato etc. This is definitely a Gimme More recipe.

Prep Time: 5 min


  1. 4-5 Shiitake Mushrooms, sliced
  2. 3-4 Baby Bella Mushrooms, sliced
  3. 1/4 cup Almond Milk
  4. 1 tsp Ginger-Garlic Paste
  5. 1-2 tsp Soy Sauce
  6. 1 tbsp Vegetarian Oyster Sauce
Line a skillet with milk and add ginger-garlic paste. Once fragrant, add mushrooms, and condiments and sauté until mushrooms are done. Serve over rice. 

Tonight, I served these over a bed of Cauliflower Rice. The sauce, and all the lovely flavors in it, was soaked up immediately by the cauliflower. I also had a side of Wilted Kale which worked beautifully with these mushrooms. 

LOVE LOVE LOVE Mushrooms! 

1 comment:

  1. I love mushrooms too!!! Need to find a good store that sells portabello....never seen them here in Gurgaon although we get button mushroom, shitake, and cremini sometimes.
