
November 4, 2012

Cremini Miso Soup

So this afternoon, I made a batch of my Quinoa Chili that has been a hit so far with everyone who's tried it, herbivores and omnivores alike :) !!! T loves it and asked for me to make it again. We both ate big bowls for lunch and were quite full. So full that I wasn't super hungry for dinner but I wanted to eat something ... don't know if it was boredom, or real hunger but I decided to make a low calorie, light soup for dinner. For a few days, I've been craving Miso soup and have looked at various recipes online. This one is a conglomeration of multiple recipes that I have read, and what I had at home. For example, I didn't have any baby bok choy, but did have baby spinach so I used that instead. I also used this soup as a platform for my New Veggie #52 - Cremini Mushrooms. 

Cremini Miso Soup
Prep Time: 10 min

  1. 2 cups Vegetable broth
  2. 1 cup baby spinach
  3. 6 Cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced. 
  4. 6 oz (1/2 pack) Extra Firm Mori-Nu Silken Tofu (cut into 1/2" squares). 
  5. 1 tsp white rice vinegar
  6. 2 tsp Miso*
  7. 1 tsp Powdered Garlic
  8. Salt and Pepper, to taste. 
In a soup pot, bring 2 cups of vegetable broth and 2 cups of water to a rolling boil. Add garlic and baby spinach, reduce heat to medium and once the garlic is wilted, add thinly sliced mushrooms. Continue to boil for a couple more minutes and then add tofu squares. Silken tofu tends to be fragile to touch so make sure you stir gently after adding the tofu. Boil for another minute and then turn the heat off and remove pot from stove. Remove a little bit of hot broth into a small mixing bowl. Add miso to the broth and stir well to make a thin paste. Fold that into the contents of the pot. Taste test for salt and add freshly cracked black pepper, to taste.  

*Miso, is a slowly fermented soybean paste. It is a treasure trove of high quality protein and amino acids, simple sugars and fatty acids making it superbly easy to digest and easy on the stomach for someone suffering from GI issues. It is essentially the chicken soup of the vegan world. The fermentation process is enabled by an edible strain of fungus called aspergillus oryzae. It is also an excellent probiotic. In order to obtain the maximum benefits, Miso should be not be boiled. Most enzymes are destroyed by temperatures above 104°F (38°C). So unpasteurized miso should be added only after cooking is complete to help obtain its probiotic benefits. 

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