
June 1, 2013

The HH 28-Day Whole Food Challenge!!!

Tony and I are taking the 28-Day Whole Food Challenge starting on Monday June 3rd. As most of you are already aware, I've been plant-based and mostly unprocessed (with the exception of occasional lapses). Tony has dabbled with it and seems to always go back to consuming meat. He told me just the other day that he wants to take care of his health more seriously and he wants me to help him from eating the wrong foods. Now I'm not one to pick at what he's ordering in a restaurant or what he eats while I'm not with him (I'm not averse to teasing him about it later when he feels miserable ;) !!!). We're taking this opportunity to get me from 98% to 100% and to get him kick started again!! Are you up for the challenge?? Do you want to jump start your metabolism and improve your health?

It's simple - for 28-Days eat only whole foods. Remember Michael Pollan's words "If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't!!" Check out the Happy Herbivore Blog tomorrow for details on the program and opportunities to win prizes. Tweet your pictures (#HH28), or post them to the Happy Herbivore Facebook Page

Eat your fruits & Veggies!!! 
Here's some of my tips on what you can (& cannot) eat on a WFPBNO (Whole Foods, Plant Based, No Oil) Plan:
  1. All Whole Grains 
  2. All Legumes, Lentils and Beans
  3. All Fruits & Vegetables 
  4. All Nuts & Seeds 
    • Including nut butters and nut milks (in limited quantities)
  5. All Spices and Herbs
  6. And lastly, the only foods you cannot eat? .. Meat, Fish, Poultry, Dairy and Oil
Remember, all canned and frozen fruits and vegetables are acceptable. Eat foods in their natural form, to the extent possible. And of course, since the plan is to consume WHOLE FOOD (not just vegan food). So stay away from unhealthy vegan foods such as fake meats, cheeses, chips, pretzels, vegan cereal bars, vegan butter (Earth Balance), etc.  

And remember ... Happy Herbivore will have handing our prizes .. daily!!! So be on top of your game and post pictures daily :) Good Luck!! I know I will be posting for sure. I need some HH Swag :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm in there with you! Looking forward to a great month.
