
February 26, 2012

Stir-Fried Bok Choy w Ginger & Garlic

Another weekend, another opportunity to try a new vegetable for New Year Resolution #2. This week, the first one to make the list and to receive the honor of being Vegetable #11 is Bok Choy. I used an adaptation of a recipe I found on the Food Network website.  I used vegetable broth instead of Olive oil, ginger-garlic paste instead of the fresh ingredients, and only a tablespoon of soy sauce as I only had 4 small baby bok choys.  See picture below for the lovely end-result!! 

My Assessment: After a few weeks of trying different vegetables (some that were quiet 'so-so'), I can honestly say that I loved it. What I mistakenly thought was celery stalks in Chinese takeout is actually bok choy. This recipe was so incredibly simple and the result was quite extraordinary. Four baby bok choys wilted down to one healthy serving for dinner. I had it as a side with my hummus/spinach/tomato panini

All in all, an A++ Sunday night meal!!

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