
October 27, 2012

Tacos de Papa, Hash Style

Since T is not a big fan of tofu or fake meats, or oatmeal, or nut milks .. his plant-based breakfast choices are quite limited. He has a bowl of fruit (apples, pears, peaches, strawberries or other berries) for breakfast during the week. So one weekends, I try to provide some variety. I know for a fact that he LOVES tacos ... and I've tried Tacos de Papa before and he loved it. Unfortunately for me .. I get bored with eating the same things again and again. So today, I decided to change it up just a tad ... ;-) !!! .. Tacos de Papa, Hash Style.  

Tacos de Papa, Hash Style
Prep Time: 20 min

  1. 2 medium Russet potatoes, peeled and shredded
  2. 1-2 tsp dried Onion flakes
  3. 1-2 tsp Garlic powder
  4. 1-2 tsp Cumin powder
  5. 1-2 tsp Taco Seasoning
  6. Salt and Pepper, to taste
  7. 4 Corn Tortillas
In a large bowl, mix potato and all spices together. The moisture from the potatoes will help the spices stick to it which is great because the flavors penetrate the potatoes, but it always means that you need to mix everything really well to get an even distribution of spices.

Preheat a large non-stick or seasoned cast iron skillet on medium heat. Spread potatoes in an even layer on the entire surface. Cover and allow to cook for about 5-7 minutes. Do not disturb during this time at all. After about 5-7 min, use a flat spatula and gently lift the layer of potatoes off the bottom of the skillet.  

The moisture from the potatoes allows the layer to form a skin which prevents it from sticking. Increase heat to high for a couple of minutes to allow the bottom to turn a golden brown color. Flip it over, in one piece if possible, reduce heat to medium, cover and allow the other side to cook in the same way.

Once the hash is nice and crispy, transfer to a cutting board and cut into 8 wedges, or more if needed. Serve with salsa, fresh tomatoes, greens or a whole host of breakfast taco toppings (see list here). We ate it today just by itself with some dried cilantro and Spicy Mango Habanero Salsa.

You can even serve the hash just by itself as a side with Tofu Scramble. Yum!!! 

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