
December 23, 2012

Herb Roasted Purple Potatoes

In my quest to try new veggies, I've often come across colored varieties of vegetables that we've all eaten in their normal color. This morning I posted a recipe for Orange Cauliflower and now I have the honor of introducing to you, the rather odd looking Purple Potato - my New Veggie #62.

Herb Roasted Purple Potatoes

Prep Time: 20 min

  1. 2 lb bag of Purple potatoes 
  2. 2 tbsp ginger/garlic paste 
  3. 1 tbsp whole mustard seeds 
  4. 1 tbsp McCormick's Steak Seasoning 
  5. Splash of water/vegetable broth
  6. Salt and Pepper, to taste
  7. 2-4 Fresh Basil leaves
Herb Roasted Purple Potatoes - New Veggie #62
Preheat oven to 375-400 F. This recipe is almost identical to my Roasted Red Potatoes recipe which I posted earlier this month. The only difference, since I'm not cooking for omniviores, I removed all the oil from the recipe. Rinse and cut tomatoes into halves. Mine were all around the same size but if you have uneven sizes, you may need to cut some into quarters to ensure that all the pieces are about the same size. Add all the potatoes and spices into a gallon bag, add a splash of water or vegetable broth and toss everything together until the potatoes are well coated. Spray a large baking sheet with cooking spray (very light, just enough to prevent sticking). Spread potatoes in a single layer and roast uncovered for 10-12 minutes. Mine were tender in 8 minutes, and then I turned on the broiler for 2 minutes to add a touch of crispiness. Garnish with freshly cracked black pepper, and fresh basil. Serve warm. 

My Assessment: Like every other colored version of a regular veggies, I could not tell a taste difference except that these were a tad less starchy than the red potatoes. Overall, A+

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