
January 2, 2013

Cebollitas Kohlrabi Asadas

This past weekend, as we were recovering from our travels across the country to meet family, T stopped by the grocery store again. He must have been missing me by his side cause he got me a 2 veggies which he thought I'd never tried before. He got me some Kohlrabi (New Veggie #17) and he got me a bunch of Cebollitas - which I ended up making New Veggie #64. I decided to make a traditional Asadas because its traditionally vegan and hence easy to adapt to my no-added-fat technique. 

Roasted Cebollitas
Prep Time: 15-20 min

Ingredients (2 Servings):
  1. One bunch Scallions (Cebollitas) - 4 or 5 bulbs
  2. 4-5 Small (baby) Kohlrabi
  3. 2-3 cloves (or 1 tsp) garlic, minced finely
  4. 1 tsp Ground Mustard Powder
  5. Salt and Pepper, to taste
  6. Lime Juice, to taste
Preheat oven to 450 F. Rinse the kohlrabi and cebollitas bulbs in water. Trim ends. For the kohlrabi, peel the thick skin off with a paring knife and dice each bulb into 8-12 pieces, making sure that all the pieces are approximately the same size. For the cebollitas, either slice the bulb lengthwise into 2 halves, or leave whole, as you prefer. If you do cut it into 2 halves, remember to handle each half gently else the leaves will separate and burn in the oven. In a ziploc bag, mix all spices and kohlrabi and give a good toss. Spread halved cebollitas on a greased cookie sheet and pour the tossed kohlrabi on top (this gets the spices on the cebollitas without having to handle them too much). Spread the veggies in a single layer and bake for 10 minutes on one side, give a quick toss, check to see if the kohlrabi is tender and then bake for another 5 minutes until both the cebollitas and kohlrabi is getting a nice char on it. Remove, sprinkle lime juice on top and serve warm.  

Roasted Cebollitas and Kohlrabi
My Assessment: LOVED it!! Even Tony loved the kohlrabi. This dish, is so simple, and such an amazing side. It will definitely make it to my 'favorites' list!!

Nutrition Facts (Per Serving): Calories 42
Total Fat 0.6 g; Cholesterol 0 g; Carbohydrates 8.5 g; Fiber 3.8 g; Sugars 2.8 g; Protein 2.4 g

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