
July 27, 2012

Going Unprocessed for 30 Days ... !

I've been on this plant based journey for about 7 months. I've lost 18 lbs and I'm down at least 1 size, if not more. Some of my old summer clothes, which I hadn't been able to squeeze in for about 2-3 years, now fit. Bear in mind, these are post-pregnancy clothes. Of course, I do have those OLD OLD clothes that I'd love to fit in one day - soon! :) 

So here I am, 7 months on, and this time I've decided to take a 30-Day Unprocessed Challenge. I've followed Chef AJ and her book Unprocessed since I heard her talk in Columbus, Ohio a couple of months ago. She's often referred to her 'Unprocessed Challenge' and since I've been in a weight-loss rut, I decided to challenge myself ... so here I am ... 5 days in and I'm not sure how much I've lost yet (I weigh myself on Saturday mornings!), what I have learnt is that it is NOT EASY! So what is this challenge, one might ask?! Well, all it means is that I will 'attempt' to only eat unprocessed foods. If I can't take a raw food and bring it to the state that it can be bought in - I don't plan on eating it (e.g. fresh vegetables and beans can be processed at home, to be equivalent to their canned counterparts). Get the drift? 

Day 1 (Monday) started off really well. Spinach, Strawberry and Almond milk smoothie for breakfast, baked sweet potato (with hot Salsa), and Kale with lentils for lunch. I had a banana and half a cucumber for snack. Then, I came home and fell off the wagon ... I made Mushroom & Vegan Sausage Pizza for Nik. Parts of it were quite processed and quite greasy. Oh well, we all fall off the wagon every once in a while!! No Sweat! I got right back up .. dusted myself off ... and prepared myself for Day 2.

Day 2 (Tuesday) started off with the same smoothie. Had a baked potato and a side salad for lunch. Even though I was careful to order my salad with no cheese and no meat, I did get candied walnuts on it (darn it, hidden processed foods!). I was with some clients, so instead of picking at each little walnut, I ate it leaving out as many walnuts as possible. Dinner was excellent - I made Cauliflower Rice - low fat, high fiber, high nutrient, low starch and ate it with a cauliflower and carrot stir fry. Perfect!!! Way to go missy!! :)

Days 3-5 (Wednesday through Friday) have gone reasonably well. I've had a green smoothie every day for breakfast. I had leftovers over from my Day 1 lunch and Day 2 dinner for 2 more meals. I went out to my favorite Mexican restaurant one day for lunch (vegetarian fajitas - mushrooms, zucchini, summer squash, tomatoes, onions and green peppers, all tossed in fajita seasoning). Today, I went to a local salad bar and got a fresh green salad with loads of chickpeas and peas and carrots and green peppers for lunch!! And, I had enough cauliflower rice left over to eat with some quick canned Rajma Curry

Throughout the week, instead of cereal bars or dried fruits/nuts for snack, I've had a banana, or sliced cucumber, or strawberries instead. Given how strongly plant-based I had become over the last 7 months, going completely 100% unprocessed hasn't been that difficult so far ... except for the hidden dangers. Overall, although not perfect, my first full work week being unprocessed went really well. Now for the big reveal - tomorrow morning!! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Saturday Morning Update: 5 days Unprocessed equals 2 lbs!! Yay! I broke the 20 lb mark!!

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